DataLife Engine > Information / Our works > Remarkable objects
Remarkable objects20-10-2011, 11:00. : admin |
Remarkable objects made Research and Production Company “Photogrammetria” in the period from 1998 to 2011.![]() 1 - Nikolsky Morskoy Cathedral (Kronstadt). 2 - The State Hermitage. Palace Square. 3 - The Chinese Palace (Lomonosow). 4 - Palace and Park Ensemble “Mikhailovskaya Dacha” (Petrodvorets) 5 - the Passage (Nevsky Prospect). 6 - Кthe building complex on The New Holland Island. 7 - Middle Trading Stalls (Moscow, Red Square). 8 - St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Peter and Paul Fortress. 9 - the Konstantinovsky Palace (Strelna). 10 - Ivangorod Fortress – Large and Small Gunpowder Barks. 11 - the Monument to Nikolay I (Isaac’s Square in Saint-Petersburg). 12 - Ekaterininsky Palace (Pushkin). 13 - Voznesensky Military Cathedral (Novocherkassk). 14 - Sanatorium of Ordzhonikidze (Sochi). 15 - Tovstonogov Bolshoy Drama Theatre (Saint-Petersburg). 16 - The Church of St Catherine. ---- |